Danny Strickland Ministries. Teaching Leaders and Reaching Next Generation Leaders.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God for Salvation to everyone who believes.
- Romans 1:16

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About Danny

Read about Danny and how he serves locally and overseas.

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Become a Partner

Become a Partner

Help Danny as he trains pastors and reaches students for Jesus Christ.

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Mission Trips

Our largest project this year will be two youth camps in Romania.  They will take place back-to-back weeks, from July 24-August 5.   It will be my 28th year speaking to teenagers in this nation.  God blessed in a remarkable way last year and we saw 60 teeangers accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord!  We are expecting God's Spirit to reach many teenagers again this year. 

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Thank you for taking time to look at our website.  As we begin this ministry there is great excitement about all that God is going to do in the future.  Your interest in who we are and what we are about is much appreciated. 

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Training Pastors

Kenya Trip:  Late 2022/Early 2023

Prayerfully, later this year, Danny will be speaking extensively to high school students in the region of Migori, Kenya.   He will also be leading a Pastor's Conference in Kissi.  


Cookie's Corner

Cookies Corner

Cookie has been married to Danny for over 46 years. They met as teenagers at First Baptist Church of Orlando. Danny calls her "the love of his life."  She is loved by everyone that knows her.  She is passionate about her relationship to Jesus Christ and her family.

Cookie is an Operations Assistant for CommCo Productions.  She also is a real estate agent and is greatly loved by the clients she serves.  

You will be blessed as you follow her.

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Danny's Dialogue

Danny's Blog

Read Danny's latest thoughts and devotionals.  

Danny has served in ministry in local churches for over 40 years.  For the past 25 years, Danny has faithfully served on mission projects, from doing construction for many years on houses of underprivileged people in various cities across the United States, to mininstering in eight different nations.  

He loves to spend time with his family, play raquetball, hunt and travel.  Follow his latest thoughts here

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