Danny Strickland Ministries. Teaching Leaders and Reaching Next Generation Leaders.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God for Salvation to everyone who believes.
- Romans 1:16

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About Danny Strickland Ministries

Danny Strickland Ministries was founded by Danny Strickland and launched in early 2017.  This ministry is a non-profit 501(C)(3) corporation and is under the direction of a Board of Directors.  

For over 30 years, even while serving as a senior pastor, Danny has ministered overseas several times per year.  The emphasis of his overseas ministries has been mainly two-fold:  

1.  Teach and encourage pastors and Christian workers.   

These men and women are wholly dedicated and are committed to building God's kingdom where they are as they faithfully serve day in and day out, month after month, year after year.  Many of them have had no formal education and training and long for others to teach them and show them ways they can be more effective in their work.  Not only has Danny taken part in this in the past but he is making plans to accept more invitations to serve this way, and take part in this strategic opportunity to teach Biblical principles to these willing workers who are praying that they can reach more people for Jesus Christ.    



On Danny's first trip to Romania in 1994, Pastor Onisim Mladin was the first person to translate for him.  

They quickly developed a close friendship and have ministered together many times.  Onisim is the Senior Pastor of Love Baptist Church in Arad, Romania. He has faithfully preached the gospel and provided leadership for hundreds of pastors for many years.  His influence has been far reaching. The two men you read about below grew up under his leadership.  




2.  Youth Camps

Since 1994, Danny has spoken at youth camps in Romania.   For most of those years he has raised money for these camps and led a team to conduct effective ministries to reach hundreds of students for Christ.  Many are now adults with their own families and raising children. 

Dani Hardut is a pastor.  He and his wife, Gia, have three children. They are faithfully serving in the southern part of Romania known as the region called Oltenia.  At age 16, he accepted Christ when the invitation was given after Danny preached.  Throughout these years Danny has regularly visited Oltenia and participated in numerous ministry efforts with Dani Hardut and the local pastors and churches to encourage their work there. 


Gabriel Nedelcu is a business man living in Timisoara.  He and his wife, Ina, have one child.  At age 14, Gabi accepted Christ at a camp after Danny preached.  He and his wife, Ina, are faithful members of their local church.  Gabi is also a board member for Danny Strickland Ministries.  


The vision that God has given Danny is to continue to serve part-time on staff at the church where he serves, and to travel seven to eight times per year to areas where believers desire to reach many more people for Jesus.  He is looking to do two or three youth camps each summer, possibly in the countries of Ukraine and Moldova, as well as Romania.  

Future pastor conferences will be held in India, Tanzania, Uganda, and Ethiopia, and anywhere else God opens the doors of opportunity for Danny Strickland Ministries to go.  





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