Danny Strickland Ministries. Teaching Leaders and Reaching Next Generation Leaders.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God for Salvation to everyone who believes.
- Romans 1:16

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Since 1994, Danny has been traveling to Romania.  This coming August will make the 24th year he has led a youth camp for teenagers.  In 1999, while preaching at a camp, a young 16 year old boy named Dani came forward to receive Christ as his Savior and Lord.  He would later accept God's call to preach the gospel and graduated from  Emanuel University in Oradea.  To the left, you see Dani Hardut interacting with children. Dani and and his wife, Gia, are reaching many families for Christ, many times by ministering to their children first.  

Dani and Gia Hardut live in Turburea, along with their three children, Timothy, Luke and Ruth.  They minister every week in their own village, as well as Groserea, Daia , Costesti , Aninoasa, Poiana, Floresti, and Miluta.  Every  Saturday evening Dani leads youth from many churches for a special service of worship in Filiasi.  They have been serving in the southern region of Romania, known as Oltenia, for over 10 years.  Countless people have been impacted by their faithful ministry.  Remember to pray for them as they faithfully serve.  





This picture was taken in 2010 with Danny and his son, Adam, and several boys from Oltenia.  Today, these young men are grown and are ministering in a group known as the Catalin Ciuculescu Band.  It has been a joy to encourage them through these years and see how God is using them. 


Now you can see the guys as they are on one of their many journeys across the country of Romania, bringing the gospel of Jesus through music.  

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