For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God for Salvation to everyone who believes.
- Romans 1:16
Training Pastors
Encouraging Pastors and speaking in Schools in Kenya
In 2024, we trained 131 pastors and leaders in Kisii, Kenya. It was a time we will never forget.
All over the world there are pastors and Christian workers that are faithfully laboring for the gospel In many places they are willing to do all they can, yet many have had no formal training. They long for someone to come and offer them training in how to be more effective in their work.
Having been a pastor for almost 47 years and led three churches to experience growth, Danny has gone many times and led conferences for these willing workers.
Danny Strickland Ministries is committed to going several times a year to encourage and teach, many times in underprivledged countries, so that the gospel of Jesus Christ may continue to flourish and draw many to Him.